Musharraf admits NRO was a mistake

Former President Pervez Musharraf, responding to questions on his facebook page admitted that promulgation of the NRO was a blunder on his part. “The one clarification that I will make is that I committed this mistake on the strong advice of the political leadership at that time who are now blatantly disowning connections with it. My interest was only national with absolutely no personal bias or agenda” he said.

He also accepted that it was through the NRO that Zardari or other corrupt politicians were allowed to contest elections, “NRO may have allowed Asif Zardari or corrupt politicians to contest elections but it certainly was not the cause of their coming to power. NRO is not responsible for electing the PPP as the majority party or allowing Asif Zardari to win an election.”

I wonder why our leaders realize their mistakes only after retiring from office… Oh Well!

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Musharraf Joins Facebook!

Thats right, our very own former general-turned-politician, Mr. Musharraf has joined Facebook, the largest social media network in the world- (Zardari take note).

Former president Pervez Musharraf has joined the Facebook, a social networking website, to connect with Pakistani youth, asking the young members of the cyber community to reach out to all their friends and those whom they know to join the community.

Although I may not approve of Musharraf’s policies or agree with his modus operandi, it is great to see our politicians joining social networks in an attempt to get in touch with the people, especially the youth and listen to their views.

Oh and by the way, this is not a hoax, it is indeed the official Facebook page of the retired general. You can check it out here.

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Pakistan Mulls Law To Gag Media, Blogging For the Win!

If there was one thing Musharraf had done right, it was giving the media the freedom which it never had before. But unfortunately for the ousted dictator, the media turned against him, ultimately leading to his dismissal as Head of State.

Now it looks like the ‘democratic’ government, which talks about freedom of speech, is considering restrictions on the electronic/print media. If the restrictions are put in place, the media won’t be allowed to criticize the government, security forces and other worthless politicians of the country.

More details in the video below:

While I agree that showing graphic images on live tv should be banned, but stopping the media from criticizing the government ? Ahm Ahm! I think its too late to do that, the media has a huge influence over the 160 million people of Pakistan today. Imposing restrictions on the media will only help our politicians to cover their sins, nothing else.

I would like to conclude my post with the famous quote by Benazir “Democracy is the best revenge”. Indeed, Benazir, indeed it is.

Hat tip: TheCurrentAffairs

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